McPherson Playground Cleanup

McPherson Playground Cleanup 

Friends of McPherson (FOM) and 606 Ravens will be hosting a community clean up of McPherson’s Playground on Saturday, April 20; rain date Sunday, April 21. All ages are welcome. Bring bags & gloves.

McPherson Playground, 4728 W Wolcott Ave
1-3 pm


Limpieza del patio de la escuela McPherson

Friends of McPherson (FOM) y 606 Ravens organizan la limpieza comunitaria del McPherson's Playground. Todas las edades son bienvenidas. Traiga bolsas y guantes.

Sábado 20 de abril (Fecha en caso de lluvia domingo 21 de abril)

Parque de la escuela McPherson, 4728 W Wolcott Ave

1-3 p.m.