Early Childhood » Overview


Our program is centered around the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, enriched with elements from the Creative Curriculum. Our approach emphasizes student-led projects, collaborative learning, and the incorporation of various resources to enhance the overall learning experience. Within our dynamic learning environment, children actively engage in activities that foster creativity, teamwork, play, and the acquisition of supplementary materials to enrich their understanding.

Students are provided with numerous opportunities for enrichment activities and partnerships, allowing them to extend their learning beyond the standard curriculum. At the start, middle, and conclusion of the academic year, all students undergo assessments aligned with Creative Curriculum standards. These assessments, based on classroom observations and classwork, serve as valuable tools to track and demonstrate progress over the course of the year.

In our full-day preschool program, students participate in a comprehensive daily schedule, including breakfast, lunch, recess, and optional after-school enhancement programs. The integration of the IB learner profile traits at McPherson IB World School instills a commitment to making a positive impact in the world through action and service. We celebrate the rich diversity within our learning community, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.

Teachers play a pivotal role in providing multiple opportunities for students to showcase their work across different grade levels. This approach not only highlights individual achievements but also promotes a sense of pride and accomplishment among students. Through this multifaceted approach to education, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially conscious and globally aware.