Student Handbook » Electronics Policy

Electronics Policy

McPherson IB World School acknowledges the importance of communication between students and families, particularly when it is essential or in an emergency situation. We also recognize that instructional time is precious and must be protected from unnecessary disruptions. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that use of social media is linked to teenage depression and anxiety.
Away for the day cell phone policy:
  • Cell phones and electronic devices such as smart watches) are to be turned off or placed in school-mode before entering the school building.
  • Cell phones and electronic devices are to be kept in a student's backpack during the school day.
  • Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed to be used in any space in the school, including but not limited to: classrooms, hallways, restrooms, or during lunch and recess.
  • Bluetooth earbuds that connect to cell phones may not be used during the school day.
  • If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are
    to do so in the main office.
  • If families needs to communicate a message to their child during the school day, they should contact the main office at (773) 534-2526.
  • Cell phones and electronic devices can be turned back on after the school day ends and used to communicate directly with parents/friends who are assisting in transportation.
If this policy is violated, the following progressive discipline steps will be implemented:
  • During the first week of school: Students will receive a reminder of the policy from the teacher or staff member.
  • 1st offense: Students using a cell phone or electronic device without authorization will be asked to surrender their phone to the teacher or staff member and can retrieve the phone at the end of the school day in the main office. The teacher or staff member confiscating the device will contact the parent or guardian to make them aware.
  • 2nd offense: Students using a cell phone or electronic device without authorization will be asked to surrender their phone to the teacher or staff member. The phone will be kept in the main office until the parent or guardian can come to the school to retrieve it.
  • 3rd offense: A misconduct is written and the cell phone or electronic device is held in the school office until the parent or guardian can come to the school to retrieve it. For one (1) month, the student must check their phone in at the main office immediately upon arrival and check it back out upon dismissal.
NOTE: McPherson IB World School is not responsible for any cell phone or electronic devices that are lost or stolen.